Polish Party

When I started blogging in January 2014, I had no idea how amazing the nail blogging community actually was. I was following a lot of blogs, but I was very much a lurker :D In the first few days I was invited to this amazing group of ladies! We get together once a month, usually in the last week, and post our themed manicures.

Here's a list of themes I participated in so far:

January 2014 - January Blues. 
February 2014 - Chevrons.

Check out the amazing participating blogs for this party!

If you want to join, head to our Facebook page.


  1. I don't have a facebook. How can I join this Polish Party? It sounds totally awesome! Welcome to the nail blogging community by the way. I can't wait to see what designs you do!

    1. You best bet is getting in touch with Claire Kerr at http://www.kerruticles.com/ - she can add you to the email list!


Thanks for all your comments! I read and appreciate them all :)